Help Us On Match Day

Match Day at Seymour Shaw is always busy, and we need help to make sure everyone has a great experience. Can you spare a few hours to help out?

How You Can Help

Match Day is always a lively one at Seymour Shaw. For a few hours every two weeks, the stands fill with local and away fans and we want to make sure everyone has an awesome experience. To do that, we need your help. If you can spare a few hours every second Saturday or Sunday during the season, here are some examples we’d love help with.

  • Collect entry payments at the front gate.

  • Pick up and set up match day catering for our sponsors and first grade players.

  • Serve drinks at the bar (RSA needed).

  • Be one of the 3 jacketed officials we need at each home game. Who doesn’t look good in high vis?!

  • Help pack up after the game - empty bins, pack up equipment and help leave Seymour looking tidy.

These are just a few examples of how you can contribute, and we are always open to new ideas where your skills and enthusiasm can shine. If you're interested in helping out, please get in touch.

Register Here

Every second week our First Grade team battles it out at Seymour Shaw in the National Premier League. Many hands make light work, so if you can spare a few 2-3 hours of your time it will go a long way.