Sutherland Sharks are excited to announce our EOI for our 2025 SAP and Youth Programs is now open.

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Our Programs

From our nursery program to the Men’s Premier League, we offer unparalleled opportunities for players to enhance their skills and develop their football prowess to reach their highest potential. Our programs have launched successful careers in the A-League, Socceroos, and some of the world's most prestigious clubs.

  • Sharkies Nursery Program

    Designed for children 3-5 years of age, it gives them the opportunity to grow socially in a team environment, physically, and develop their learning skills all while playing with a ball.

  • SSA

    Sharks Skills Academy

    For boys and girls between 5 and 12, the Sharks Skills Academy (SSA) caters for all players regardless of skill level and ability.

  • Sharks Development Squad

    For boys and girls between 7 and 12, our SDS curriculum teaches elite skills and allows kids to play for their own club.

  • Our SAP Program

    Our elite development program for boys 9-12, designed to give them opportunity to learn the key skills and football techniques.